Monday marked Holocaust Memorial day and the 85th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, a crucial occasion where we take time to reflect upon one of the most horrific periods in world history.
We pay tribute to the memories of the six million Jewish men, women and children who were murdered at the hands of the evil Nazi regime.
The Holocaust destroyed countless Jewish communities across Europe, including some of the largest Jewish populations in the World.
We also remember the millions of Gypsy, Roma & Traveller, LGBT , disabled and black people, who also suffered persecution.
By remembering, listening and honouring the memory and stories of survivors, we can strive towards a world free of hatred and discrimination.
It is only through their bravery, and commitment to speaking out against the horrors that they faced, that a new generation can be inspired to bring about the change we need in society, ensuring that we can live in a world that respects all religion, race, gender and sexual orientation.
Sadly, antisemitism and other forms of racism and discrimination continue to be a blight on our society, and we still see far too much hatred on our streets.
This is not a problem confined to the far-right or far-left, and it is down to all of us to challenge hatred whenever we encounter it.
Tragically, the scourge of genocide has not gone away, and we must never forget those killed in subsequent genocides including Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
By marking this incredibly powerful day and, taking a moment to reflect on this dark chapter of history, we can all play our part in remembering all those who suffered. We must all continue to confront the dangers of discrimination and extremism in all its forms.
Peter Fox MS - Monmouth