Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Transport & Rural Affairs, Peter Fox, has written to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales, following a recent incident in Cardiff.
Users of St David’s Car Park in Cardiff, recently found themselves “gridlocked” for up to four hours, due to severe congestion in and around the area. This was apparently caused by road closures leading motorists down a dead end, resulting in them needing to turn around, causing a significant bottleneck.
Following this incident, queries have been raised about the impact the proposed Cardiff Cross Rail scheme might have on the area in the future. The proposed tramway, from Cardiff Central to Cardiff Bay, will require ‘changes to the road layout on Callaghan Square and traffic routing in the area’, in addition to further improvements to active travel routes.
In his letter to the Cabinet Secretary, Peter has asked if the Cross Rail proposals will have any impact for motorists wanting to use the car parks off Bute Terrace, which include St Davids, and if they do, to see what consideration has been given to mitigate this.
Peter Fox, Member of the Senedd for Monmouth and Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Transport and Rural Affairs, has said:
“I was not surprised to hear of the recent incident in St David’s car park, as that area is renowned for congestion, even at quieter times of the day.”
“I fully sympathise with everyone that was impacted, and can understand the concerns of those who are now querying what impact the Cardiff Cross Rail project might have on the area for car users.”
“Whilst I am sure everyone appreciates the aspirations of the Cross Rail project, and the benefits it might bring, this should not result in further frustration for car users who are trying to access parking facilities in the city centre.
“I have asked the Cabinet Secretary for clarification on the proposals, and look forward to his response.”
Information on the Cross Rail proposals can be found here: https://tfw.wales/projects/metro/south-wales-metro/cardiff-crossrail